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Purchase USBFlashCopy


Full Version USD 9.95 39.95 Click here to purchase
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Один пользователь 900 рублей Купить (множество опций платежа)

USBFlashCopy can be used free of charge for any period of time by non-commercial customers. However, purchasing a license and registering USBFlashCopy will give you the following advantages:

  • Backup process can be transparent, i.e. it can be done in background without asking the user and displaying any progress dialogs.*

*Purchasing an USBFlashCopy license you automatically agree that you won't use its silent mode to gather unauthorized information of any third-party persons and/or companies.

On-line secure registration service is provided by Shareit.

Many different payment methods are accepted:

  • Bank Cards: Visa, American Express, Mastercard, Discover/Novus
  • Money Orders
  • Checks by mail
  • Eurocheques
  • Phone and fax orders
  • PayPal
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