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Downloads Area

Using the link below you can download USBFlashCopy. Note that USBFlashCopy does not need to be installed, you can unpack the archive in any folder you want and run USBFlashCopy from there.

The recommended folders are: C:\USBFlashCopy and C:\Program Files\USBFlashCopy

The latest version: USBFlashCopy 1.11

Download (No installer)


Version history

[version 1.10, 2014-11-2]

  • Installer based version added

[version 1.9, 2014-02-23]

  • Fixes

[version 1.8, 2013-07-30]

  • Press and hold "Shift" button when inserting media to skip copying it
  • Improved copy speed

[version 1.7, 2012-04-10]

  • Added secondary destination path
  • Added ability to move files instead of copy

[version 1.6, 2011-08-05]

  • Added filter to exclude files of specified types (or by mask)
  • Added Docs file type (includes XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, RTF, TXT, ODT, ODS, ODP files)
  • Added "Browse..." button to choose destination path
  • Added "%MyDocs%" macro to specify My Documents folder in a destination path

[version 1.5, 2010-09-13]

  • Silent mode is faster
  • Windows 7 compatible
  • Ability to set minimal free space to leave on a destination drive

[version 1.0, 2008-03-01]

  • Base version.
  • Backups removable devices.
  • Automatically detecs arrival of new media.
  • Allows to specify copy speed for each device.
  • Silent copying can be done in the background.
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